Loss of SEO positions on Google: how to explain it?

Do you notice a loss of SEO positions? These changes can sometimes happen without warning, but every problem has its solution. After all, landing a spot on the first page of search results is a bit of a holy grail for any business. Good positioning on Google helps attract more visitors (preferably qualified!) to your site and increase the chances that they will take action, such as: purchasing something, registering or downloading content. DIn the following lines, we will explore the possible causes of your decline ranking and present four priority actions to carry out on your website. Give it the visibility it deserves!


Loss of SEO positions: the main causes💡

If your site is losing places in Google search results, stay calm and curious. For what ? Because understanding what's going on is the first step to finding a solution. There are several possible reasons for a drop in rankings, and exploring them can help you get things back on track.

1️⃣ Content-related issues: an update is required

Content that does not meet expectations, whether because it is bad quality, obsolete, off topic (lack of relevance to user queries for example) or simply copy (duplicated content), irritates Google and your visitors. It negatively impacts your presence in search results. This is where the expertise of an SEO professional comes in: he or she will be able to give your content the shine it needs to shine on the web. Consider updating your content while keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing. Innovate in your topics and bring something new to maintain interest of your audience.

Note: I advise you to write so-called “Evergreen” articles, these articles keep their freshness and relevance over time. They are not only beneficial for your site in the long term, but also perfectly suited to reuse on different digital media. Conduct regular audits to maintain the quality of your content.

2️⃣ Changes made to your site: double-edged

La modification des balises HTML sur votre site web peut avoir un impact sur votre positionnement SEO (en termes de visibilité et CTR). Les balises de titre (title), les en-têtes (H1, H2, etc.), les petits descriptifs d'images (les attributs ALT), jouent tous un rôle dans la manière dont Google comprend et classe le contenu de votre site. Mais attention, le contenu en lui-même et les chemins que suivent vos liens internes comptent tout autant. Google n'est pas fan des impasses ou des fameuses pages d'erreur 404. Ajustez avec prudence.

3️⃣ A complex customer journey: an enigma to unravel

If navigating your website feels like a maze without a map, this could harm your SEO ranking. Make your website as welcoming and easy to navigate as possible. By focusing on a smooth user experience, you will encourage visitors to come back. As I always say, a simple and intuitive site attracts and retains a target audience!

4️⃣ Fierce competition: stay in the race

If you notice a loss of SEO positions in the SERP (results page), your competitors may have gotten a head start. But how did they manage to surpass you? To understand it, look at different aspects such as:

  • Is their content more engaging or relevant than yours?
  • Do they have better quality backlinks who reinforce their authority?
  • Is their website optimized more effectively for SEO?
  • Do they offer a nicer user experience on their site?
  • Are they more present and active on social networks?

Consider aligning these adjustments with your own brand strategy, while drawing inspiration from your competitors' best practices to optimize your online presence.

5️⃣ Technical problems: an audit is necessary

Some technical issues put obstacles in the way of your ranking on Google such as :

  • Links that lead nowhere - Broken links.
  • A complicated tree structure.
  • Slow pages that take forever to load.
  • Security breaches.
  • A non-responsive site.

These defects slow down the race of your pages towards the top of search results. To prevent them from becoming significant obstacles, it is wise to regularly carry out a technical audit. This will allow you to play detective, unearth these hidden problems and fix them. This way, your site will not only be more pleasant to visit for your users, but it will also have every chance of standing out in search results.

6️⃣ The fluctuation of algorithms: stay up to date

Adjustments to search engine algorithms can have a significant impact on your website's position on Google. The rules of the game are constantly evolving; stay informed of changes. Keep an ear out for the latest news and recommended practices in organic SEO. By integrating this knowledge into your online visibility strategy, you remain competitive and offer the best possible experience to your visitors. So, carry out your SEO monitoring, and adapt your game to keep your site in pole position!

7️⃣ Search behaviors are changing: adapt

In the digital age, trends and tastes of Internet users evolve at lightning speed. So that your website is not left behind, adapt it so that it always resonates with the desires and needs of the moment: design, relevance of content, ergonomics, etc. By proactively responding to your visitors' new expectations, you create a memorable online experience.

8️⃣ A rapid increase in backlinks: a warning signal

Using dubious tactics to artificially inflate your backlink profile, such as bulk purchasing of artificial links, low quality links, etc., can result in penalties. This could well backfire in terms of SEO! Indeed, search engines, like Google, favor the authenticity and quality of the links pointing to your site, because they are supposed to reflect the trust and relevance of your site. In my opinion, we are moving towards increasingly ethical and sustainable SEO. Likewise, if your quality backlinks start disappearing, that’s a bad sign. The quality and stability of your links keep your site visible in search results.

How to see your links? Use the free backlink checker

9️⃣ A sanction from Google: follow the rules

Falling under a sanction from Google is a bit like receiving a red card in a football match: you have crossed a line, your site will suffer the consequences. The web giant indeed applies manual or algorithmic penalties to sites that do not follow its guidelines. Result ? This can seriously affect your online visibility, or even deindex your site. To avoid finding yourself in this delicate situation, one obvious piece of advice: play by the rules. Follow Google's recommended best practices.

🔟 The SEO attack: be on your guard

Keep your eyes peeled for Negative SEO, a malicious practice aimed at harming your ranking. These attacks from web hackers can take various forms, such as creating toxic links to your site, duplicate content, scraping, etc. The goal ? Ttarnish your digital image and your online reputation. The key to keeping your site healthy is to be vigilant and proactive. Perform regular SEO audits and complete information on your site to identify any anomalies and act quickly.

➡️ An ineffective SEO strategy: re-evaluate your actions

If your SEO approach isn't delivering the results you want, it may be time to rethink it. Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Monitor your positions in search results, but avoid doing it daily so as not to get discouraged. Instead, take the time to analyze to understand what works (or not). Seek help from an SEO expert if you feel like you are going in circles. And above all, be patient! In the world of SEO, Google's trust is earned over time, especially for young sites. Also, it is not uncommon for a newly published page to play hide and seek in the search results before stabilizing. This is completely normal and part of the SEO dance.


How to find SEO positions on Google?

If you have identified the cause of the loss of SEO positions on Google, it is time to take action. Here are 4 priority SEO actions that I recommend and that I apply myself to get things back on track quickly:

1. Analyze data and recent changes

Dissecting your site's recent data can seem intimidating, but with the right tools, it's completely doable. Here's how to do it :


  • Choose the right tools! Platforms like Google Analytics And Google Search Console are essential for anyone who wants to understand how their site works. They give you a clear and detailed vision, ranging from the behavior of Internet users on your site to the search terms that led them there.

  • Identify pages that have lost positions, and therefore traffic, as well as the search queries that led to these pages.


  • Note any recent changes made to your site, whether technical adjustments or content updates. This timeline will be valuable for linking specific actions to variations in performance.

2. Improve editorial content

Give new life to your editorial content by putting emphasis on its quality. This is an opportunity to revisit your old articles and pages to bring them up to date, ensuring that they accurately answer the questions and needs of your target audience. Optimize them for the right key queries. From experience, I confirm that queries with 0 search volume are sometimes gems. Some other content are perhaps to be consolidated or deleted, depending on their performance and relevance. Before any changes, carry out a detailed analysis to understand the potential impact on your SEO and user experience! It is by nourishing your site with editorial gems that you will build strong links with your audience and stimulate engagement on your showcase site or e-commerce site.

3. Clean up inbound links

First, examine your links in detail, looking for those that pose a problem: toxic backlinks. These links are of poor quality, or even downright harmful for your site. In certain situations, it is possible to notify Google not to take into account backlinks deemed toxic. But John Mueller, webmaster at Google, indicates that if you have not purchased links pointing to your website, there is no need to use Google's link disavow tool. Indeed, Google tends to naturally ignore these low quality links. Additionally, the process of disavowing links is complex and should be approached with caution. Always work closely with trustworthy and relevant websites to obtain backlinks High quality. Think partnerships, guest posts, interviews and an active social media presence to build your online authority.

4. Optimize the technique

Take the lead in resolving any technical issues you encounter. For example, clean up by correcting broken links that could disturb your visitors, speed up the loading time of your web pages so that your site is more responsive. And if you haven't done so yet, consider securing your site by adding an SSL certificate. Technical problems can be very varied and it would be impossible to list them all here. Each site is unique, with its own challenges and requirements


How to know your SEO positioning?

For know your SEO positions, here are some tips to put in your digital toolbox:

  • THE rank tracking tools free and paid: track your SEO positioning for specific keywords. Tools like Ubersuggest, SEMrush, and Ahrefs offer features to monitor your ranking in search results.

  • For SEO heroes looking to know their rankings instantly, SEO Hero Ninja is the online tool that answers the call.

  • THE manual searches : search directly on Google to see where your site ranks for specific keywords. Browse incognito mode to prevent your results from being influenced by your browsing history or location.

  • Google Search Console : a free service from Google that helps website owners monitor and maintain their site's presence in Google search results. It reveals the star keywords that make your site shine in searches, while providing you with valuable analysis on your performance and ways to improve. A must-have!

What you must remember

If your site is experiencing a loss of SEO positions on Google, see this as a chance to re-evaluate and refine your digital strategy. This is the ideal opportunity to not only regain the coveted spots on Google, but also to strengthen your digital footprint on the Web. Getting started on creating and improving your content is essential, but don't stop there. Also consider other aspects like the technical optimization of your site, user experience, and even social media engagement. Keep in mind that SEO takes time and patience. It requires constant commitment, technological monitoring and an ability to quickly adapt to new trends.

With a holistic approach and careful attention to the quality and value of what you offer, you will be able to make a difference in the competitive SERP landscape.

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