Marketing Glossary : more than 100 terms to know

Your essential guide to decoding the language of digital!

Here you will find digital marketing terms and concepts explained simply.


What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing, also called digital marketing, is the set of methods and techniques used on the Internet and digital media to promote products, services or a brand. It encompasses a variety of practices such as search engine optimization (SEO), network marketing, email marketing, online advertising, content marketing, etc. The goal is to reach a target audience and interact with them in a personalized way.

Explore more definitions with the Marketing Glossary

A/B testing

A/B testing involves testing two versions of content to determine which one performs better.


An audience is a group of people who listen, watch or read a message or content such as an article, an advertisement, a podcast episode.


AIDA is a marketing acronym that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. It is a model that describes the key steps to persuade your target audience. It is therefore a question of: capturing attention, arousing interest, creating desire and encouraging action.

ALT attribute

The role of the ALT attribute is to inform both users and Google about the content of the images on your site. It is also valuable for:

  1. People who are visually impaired or blind, who use screen readers to access online content.
  2. Internet users facing problems displaying images.


A backlink or inbound link is a hyperlink that points from an external website to a specific page on your own website. These links play a major role in SEO, as they can influence the visibility and credibility of a website in search engines.

Bounce rate

In digital marketing, the bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who immediately leave a web page without interacting.

Meta tag

Information in the source code of a web page that helps search engines understand its content.


B2B means “Business-to-Business” in English, which translates into French as “business to business”. We are talking here about transactions, relationships and commercial activities between companies. A business sells products or services to other businesses rather than to end consumers.


B2C means “Business-to-Consumer” in English, which translates into French as “business to consumer”. We are talking about transactions, relationships and commercial activities where a company sells products or services to end consumers.

Internal duplicate content

This is identical content on the same site.

Churn rate

The churn rate measures how many customers leave a company over a given period of time. A high rate indicates retention issues, while a low rate suggests loyal customers.

Editorial charter

An editorial charter is a detailed document that specifies precise rules of grammar, syntax, format and writing style for writing and publishing. It focuses on technical details and quality standards, while the editorial line defines the strategy and the overall vision.

evergreen content

“Evergreen” content that remains relevant and useful over time. It never becomes obsolete and does not require updating.


Choosing to focus on a particular group of people for a marketing campaign.

External duplicate content

This is identical content on different sites.


In digital marketing, CTR (Click Through Rate) refers to the percentage of Internet users who click on a link compared to those who see it (ads).


In digital marketing, the “Cost Per Acquisition” CPA represents the cost associated with each conversion obtained, such as a sale or registration. This method puts action on concrete results and is often used in affiliate strategies.


CPC (Cost Per Click) refers to the cost you pay each time someone clicks on an ad.


CTA (Call To Action) refers to a message that encourages visitors to take an action, such as “buy now” or “subscribe”.


Crawl is the process by which search engines crawl and analyze websites to gather information.


CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) refers to conversion rate optimization. The goal is to increase the proportion of visitors to a website who complete an intended action, such as a purchase or registration.


A CMS (Content Management System) is software for creating and managing web content. For example: WordPress.


CRM (Customer Relationship Management) refers to the management of relationships with customers to provide personalized service. The CRM system makes it possible to centralize customer information, automate processes, and better understand and respond to customer needs. An excellent way to satisfy and retain customers.


Copywriting is the art of writing persuasive and captivating texts with the aim of promoting a product, a service or even an idea. It aims to convince the target audience to act: make a purchase, subscribe to a newsletter or any other action desired by the editor.

Community management

Community management encompasses the management and animation of an online community, generally on social networks. It’s about creating, growing and engaging an audience. The community manager is responsible for sharing relevant content, responding to comments and messages, maintaining the company's online reputation. He has strong digital marketing skills.

Marketing data

Data marketing involves collecting, analyzing and using data to understand customer needs and behaviors. This data is then used to personalize advertising campaigns, product offers or promotional messages in order to better target consumers.


Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital currencies that use cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Example: Bitcoin, Ethereum.


E-reputation, or online reputation, refers to the general opinion that Internet users have of a company, a brand or a person on the Internet. This opinion is based on information and comments available online. The perception that emerges can be positive, negative or neutral and can have a significant impact on the trust that users have in the entity concerned.

Email marketing

This is the targeted sending of emails to promote products or offers.

Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking is a digital marketing method that aims to quickly grow a business using creative and innovative techniques. Examples: viral content, sponsorship, viral ads on social networks, etc.

Google Panda

Google Panda is a Google algorithm developed with the aim of penalizing websites with low quality or irrelevant content.

Google Penguin

Google Panda is a Google algorithm designed to identify and lower the ranking of websites using artificial or low-quality links to manipulate their position in search results.


Gamification is like turning a task into a game to make people more excited to participate. We add fun elements, such as points, rewards, etc. Example: gamification of online training.


In digital marketing, it is a keyword preceded by the symbol # to categorize and search content on social media (Instagram, Twitter, etc.).


AI (Artificial Intelligence) refers to computer systems designed to perform human tasks such as solving problems, automatically translating, answering questions in human language, etc.


Indexing is the process by which search engines register websites for display in search results.

Inbound marketing

Attract customers through content creation rather than intrusive marketing methods.


KPI (Key Performance Indicator) refers to key performance indicators. These are metrics used to evaluate the success of a digital strategy or marketing campaign, such as the number of visitors, conversion rate, etc.


A lead is a person or company that shows interest in a product or service. Leads are potential prospects for the company's sales activities.

Lead magnet

A digital product to attract prospects and build customer loyalty. Example: a free e-book.

Do Follow Link

A “Do Follow” link is a hyperlink that tells search engines that the linked page is important and should be considered for ranking in search results.

No Follow Link

A “No Follow” link is a hyperlink that tells search engines not to follow that link. It has no positive impact on the SEO of the page it points to.

Editorial slant

The editorial line defines the style, topics, and strategy that guide the creation of online content (website, blog, social media, etc.). The editorial line is more focused on strategy and general vision, while the editorial charter focuses more on technical details and quality standards.

Landing page

A page designed to convert website visitors into leads or customers.

Long tail

The long tail is a targeted keyword phrase made up of 3 to 6 words. It represents the specific terms that users type into a search engine to find information, a product or a service that matches their specific needs.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing refers to the set of activities and strategies used on the Internet to promote products, services or brands. It includes techniques such as online advertising, social media, organic search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and other methods to reach and engage a target audience on the web. To summarize, digital marketing consists of using the power of the Internet to promote and sell products or services.

Automation Marketing

Marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate marketing tasks: sending emails, managing social media, tracking and recalling leads, etc.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing refers to promoting other companies' products in exchange for a commission on sales.

Search engine

A search engine is an online tool that allows you to search for information on the Internet by entering keywords, and then it presents you with a list of results that match your search. Examples: Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Qwant, Ecosia, etc.


The terms used by Internet users in an online search (Google, Bing, etc.), often targeted in SEO and paid advertising.

Meta description

The aim of the meta description is to summarize the content of a web page using keywords. It appears in blue under the page title in search engine results. It must be unique and persuade people to click on the website link.

Internal network

Internal linking is an SEO strategy aimed at establishing connections between different pages within a website. These are internal links that connect two pages on the same site.


A platform on which sellers offer their products. Example: Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing involves contacting potential customers directly to promote products or services, often via email, telephone, SMS, flyers, or other channels, with the goal of obtaining an immediate response.

Ethical marketing

Ethical marketing aims to create value for the company while respecting the principles of ethics, sustainability and social responsibility. The objective is to contribute positively to society and maintain consumer confidence.

Content Marketing

It involves the creation and distribution of useful and relevant content to attract and retain a target audience.


In web 3, the metaverse was born from the contraction of the words "meta" and "universe" for "meta-universe". The metaverse designates a three-dimensional space in perpetual movement where people can meet, talk, play, a bit as if they were in a giant video game. You can create and interact with 3D objects, buy virtual goods, etc., all thanks to virtual, augmented or mixed reality. The future of digital marketing!

Social media

In digital marketing, social media are online platforms where Internet users share information and interact with each other. These platforms allow users to publish content, communicate with others. Example: Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.


An NFT, or “Non-Fungible Token” in English, is like a unique digital certificate that proves ownership of a digital object. Example: image, video, a work of art, etc.


Netlinking, also called “link building”, is a digital marketing strategy consisting of obtaining quality hypertext links from other websites to yours. This practice aims to improve your online visibility and strengthen the authority of your site.


The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is like a satisfaction thermometer. This metric asks customers if they would recommend your business to others.


It’s about developing and cultivating long-term relationships with prospects by gradually guiding them through their buying journey. It is a process of developing trust and customer relationships.

Outbound marketing

This is a traditional marketing approach where companies seek out contacts and prospects in a more or less intrusive way: sending emails, making calls, distributing leaflets in mailboxes, etc. This contrasts with inbound marketing, where the company attracts prospects naturally by creating quality content.


This is when explicit consent is requested from users to receive marketing communications.


A prospect is a person or company that shows interest in a product or service, but is not yet a customer.


A podcast is an audio recording that you can listen to over the Internet at any time on your computer or phone.


It is the fictional representation of the ideal customer, based on demographic and behavioral data.

Inverted pyramid

The inverted pyramid, also called the funnel, is a method of journalistic writing that gets to the point to captivate readers. It presents the most relevant information first, followed by less important details.


The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European Union regulation that sets out the rules for the collection, storage and processing of personal data online. It aims to protect user privacy and regulate how companies manage the personal information of their customers or website visitors.


ROI (Return on Investment) simply means the return on investment. It measures the profitability of a marketing action by comparing the benefits generated to the costs.

Responsive design

Responsive design is a website design approach that allows a site to automatically adapt to different devices and screen sizes. This allows for an optimal user experience on computers, tablets and smartphones.

Voice search

Voice Search allows users to search for information using their voice rather than typing text queries into their favorite search engine. Example: voice assistants like Google Assistant or Siri.


Remarketing involves targeting users who have previously visited your website with ads from Google, Bing, Pinterest, etc. in order to encourage them to come back (and encourage conversion).

SEO writing

In digital marketing, SEO copywriting involves creating online content in a way that is optimized for search engines to improve its visibility and ranking in search results.


Storytelling is the art of telling stories to communicate a message, an idea or an emotion in a captivating way. It is a narrative technique to engage, inform or inspire your target audience.

Search Console

Search Console is a Google tool that allows website owners to monitor and improve the visibility of their site in Google search results. It provides information such as: web page performance, sitemap, crawl errors, links, etc.


Segmentation in digital marketing refers to dividing your target market into groups based on common characteristics.

SEO (natural referencing)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means in French: “optimization for search engines”. In digital marketing, this natural referencing technique aims to place a website on the right key queries in order to appear in the first results of search engine pages. This helps increase online visibility and attract qualified traffic. SEO is broken down into three pillars: content, technique and links.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO consists of improving and optimizing the elements and content of a web page so that it is better understood and classified by search engines (= organic traffic) such as: optimized images , content, titles, internal linking, etc.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO brings together all the activities and external factors that influence the ranking of a website on search engines. This includes: quality link building, social media mentions, positive reviews, etc.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO consists of optimizing the technical aspects of a website for search engines: site speed, mobile version of the site, tree structure, etc.

SEA (paid SEO)

SEA (Search Engine Advertising) means “advertising on search engines” in French. It's a paid SEO strategy aimed at displaying a website in the first search engine results in exchange for payment. This approach makes it possible to obtain immediate visibility, particularly when the information is relevant and the target is well defined, but its duration depends on the allocated budget.


SEM (Search Engine Marketing), also called search engine marketing, is a digital marketing strategy that aims to promote a website in paid (ads) and organic (non-paid) search results on Google, Bing, etc. The goal is to increase qualified traffic to a website, improve its visibility and generate conversions, such as leads or sales.


SMM (Social Media Marketing), also known as social media marketing, involves the promotion and engagement of a business or brand on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Local SEO

Local SEO (Local Search Engine Optimization) is an SEO strategy designed to improve the visibility of a specific business, store, or service in geographically relevant search results. It aims to help the business be found online when people search locally, such as “restaurant near me” or “locksmith in Angers”. Local SEO involves optimizing content on search engines, online directories, maps, social media, and other platforms.


The SERP (Search Engine Results Page) refers to the results page of a search engine. Example: Google.


A sitemap is a simple file listing your web pages, like a GPS for search engine robots (Google, Bing, Yandex, etc.). It helps them find and explore your site efficiently.

Social SEO

Social SEO is the use of social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, to improve the visibility of your website in search engines through social interactions: shares, mentions, comments, etc.

Content strategy

Content strategy or content marketing strategy orchestrates the relevant, valuable content you create and share online. It ensures unified and impactful communication. The objective? Boost your visibility, attract and retain your customers, strengthen your brand image.

Organic traffic

Visitors who come to your website through non-paid search results.

Conversion funnel

The path an Internet user takes to become a customer, step by step.


Targeting in digital marketing consists of targeting a defined audience to deliver relevant and personalized advertising, based on criteria such as age, gender, interests, online behavior, etc.

Rebound rate

The bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who instantly leave a web page without interacting.

The opening rate

Open rate is a metric used in email marketing to indicate the percentage of recipients who opened an email compared to the total number of emails sent. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of an email campaign based on recipient engagement.

Engagement rate

Engagement rate measures user participation and interaction with content primarily on a website or social media. It takes into account: likes, comments, shares, recordings, etc. which show the engagement of the target audience.

Conversion rate

The percentage of visitors to a website who take a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, submitting a contact form, etc.

Top of mind

The marketing notion of “top of mind” represents the amount of people who can name a brand without thinking about it for a particular product or service. That is to say the brand that comes to mind first.


TOFU is the acronym for Top of the Funnel and represents the phase where you attract visitors to your website.


MOFU is the acronym for Middle of the Funnel and occurs when visitors turn into marketing leads (or prospects) by providing their contact details.


BOFU is the acronym for Back of the Funnel and marks the phase where you aim to convert the lead. That is to say the moment when you move them from prospect status to customer status. This is the final step in the customer acquisition process.


Upselling involves suggesting that a visitor to your site add extras to their order. The goal is to increase the value of the transaction by offering additional options. Example: Suppose a customer visits an e-commerce site to purchase a laptop. The site may display these suggestions: “You have chosen the ABC computer. You might be interested in the following option: RAM upgrade from 8GB to 16GB for even better performance. ", Etc.


UX (User Experience) refers to the user experience. It concerns the way users interact with a product or website: satisfaction, ease of use, effectiveness in achieving their objectives, etc.


UGC (User Generated Content) refers to content created by users themselves. Example: reviews, photos.


Web 2 refers to the second generation of the Internet, characterized by the emergence of social media, user participation and increased interactivity, as opposed to static (information-driven) Web 1.


Web 3, also called the decentralized web, refers to a vision of the Internet where users have complete control over their data and interactions using blockchain technology and smart contracts.

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