10 SEO techniques to improve your online visibility

Today, an online presence is no longer enough. You have to be visible, and in a strategic way. No matter how exceptional your product or content is: if it cannot be found on the Internet, it will remain lost in the vastness of cyberspace. This is where SEO comes into play. SEO or “search engine optimization” is a bit like the art and science of making your online presence shine. The objective? Appear at the top of search engine results, where everyone can see you. And be careful, the world of SEO continues to evolve, especially with recent advances. So how can you stay up to date in 2024? In the following lines, I will share with you ten effective SEO techniques. These strategies will boost your online visibility and help you climb the famous Google results pages.


What is natural referencing?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the key tool that allows your site to stand out online and be easily found by your target audience. At the heart of this strategy is a series of SEO techniques and methods intended to boost the visibility of a site in the results pages of search engines (Google, Bing, etc.). In reality, SEO is nothing other than a set of thoughtful and logical actions, based on four fundamental pillars:

  • there site technical to ensure optimal performance and accessibility;
  • L'content optimization so that it resonates with your readers and Google;
  • L'user experience so that each visitor can navigate on your site with ease;
  • there link building to weave a network of references.

The ultimate goal of SEO? Attract quality organic traffic. That is to say, qualified visitors who find your site naturally, without the help of paid advertisements.

The best SEO techniques to know in 2024

1 # Finding long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are one of the secret keys to SEO. Long and very targeted, they include at least four words. Less competitive than generic keywords, long-tail keywords have lower search volume. On the other hand, they attract qualified natural traffic and a niche audience ready to take action. This is a boon for Google which likes to see that users find exactly what they are looking for (we are talking about user experience). And for you ? It's easier to rank at the top of results with these keywords. In short, they become essential for good SEO.

➡️ A concrete example: you sell shoes on your e-commerce site.

The generic keyword “men’s shoes” is too broad and competitive. On the other hand, a long tail keyword like men's waterproof hiking shoes » is much more specific. This keyword attracts visitors with clear purchasing intent.

Please note: long-tail keywords with a priori 0 search volume are real gems in terms of conversion.

2 # Update and republish old blog posts

Refreshing and republishing old blog articles gives new life to your writing. This SEO technique is actually a masterstroke for keeping your content alive and relevant. Google loves up-to-date content. By reworking your old articles, you not only boost their relevance, but also your chances of appearing better in search results. Additionally, over time, your expertise has been refined, and your knowledge has expanded. Revisiting your articles therefore becomes a golden opportunity to show this evolution and enrich the quality of your content. It's smart recycling : taking what was already good and turning it into something even better.

So how do you breathe new life into old content?

➡️ Choose items carefully: who are those who have performed well in the past? Those who address themes that are still current?

➡️ Check that data and references are up to date to ensure the relevance of your article.

➡️ Optimize your articles: Now is the perfect time to incorporate recent keywords, polish your meta descriptions, and make your titles more captivating.

➡️ Add images, graphics or videos to your article to make it more attractive.


3 # Optimizing your content for Search Generative Experience (SGE)

An exciting new development that is already getting a lot of attention: The SGE or Search Generative Experience initiated by Google whose launch is planned for France in 2024. It's a big step forward in online search, and here's why. By using generative artificial intelligence, SGE aims so that your Internet searches become more intuitive, almost as if you were chatting with a friend expert. It's moving from a simple search engine has a “response engine” offering personalized reactions in real time. For SEO professionals, the introduction of EMS represents a major challenge. The big question that arises: how to adapt and optimize content for this new era? What we know at the time of writing:

➡️ Create relevant, accurate and engaging content: content strategies will need to be more refined, with a focus on authenticity and added value.

➡️ Actually respond to user queries (specific search intent).

➡️ Focus on the clarity and structure of the content so that it is adapted to the way Google AI synthesizes and displays information.

➡️ Use (very) long tail keywords.

➡️ Adapt to new content formats (videos, statistics, infographics, augmented reality, etc.).

Sources: Moz

4 # — Write catchy headlines

When people search for terms related to your site, the title and your page description play a key role. They are a sort of showcase for your content: attractive and well worded, they encourage visitors to click on your link. Captivating titles and well-thought-out descriptions aren't just fun to read; they also increase your click-through rate (CTR), which is a key indicator for attracting quality web traffic. In reality, working on these elements is one of the most effective SEO techniques: it is an invitation to discover quality content.

➡️ For inspiration, why not take a look at the ad titles and descriptions that appear in search results? These ads are (normally) the result of careful marketing thinking and can give you some good ideas.

5 # — Using AI for SEO

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing SEO. With its ability to quickly process tons of data, AI gives us valuable insights into user behaviors and search trends. It allows us to personalize our content to better engage different audience groups. But the impact of AI doesn't stop there.

➡️ It can even take care of recurring SEO tasks as :

  • suggest variations of keywords to target;
  • generate topic ideas;
  • create an outline for a blog post;
  • write content;
  • broaden the semantic field;
  • rewrite paragraphs;
  • suggest areas for improvement in your texts;
  • find relevant external links;
  • write metadescriptions;
  • create structured data;
  • add comparison tables;
  • and many others.

And that's just the beginning ! Adopting AI in SEO means stay competitive.


6 # — Optimize your site with competitor keywords

Optimizing your site using your competitors' keywords is one of the best-known SEO techniques. This strategy involves identifying and using keywords that help the competition rank well in search engines. So how to play this winning shot?

➡️ Start by identifying the big names in your niche or sector. Once you have identified your main competitors, use SEO tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs or Google Keyword Planner. These tools will allow you to analyze which keywords your competitors are hitting the mark on.

➡️ The next step ? Detect keywords that attract traffic to their sites. But be careful, the objective is not to copy and paste their strategy. Instead, you look for opportunities to stand out. Perhaps there are relevant keywords, but less used on your own site?

➡️ Once you have your list of keywords, integrate them naturally into your content. Refresh existing pages, create new content or optimize your titles and descriptions with an eye on authenticity and quality.

7 # — Improve the EEAT of your content pages

The EEAT principle isis an approach that highlights the quality and credibility of the content, and believe me, it's a big hit for Google! For what ? Because Google likes to highlight content from reliable sources and recognized experts in their field. So, how to implement the EEAT criteria in your web pages?

➡️ Here are the key ingredients:

Expertise: show that the content is written by experts in their field. This is especially true for sites that cover YMYL (Your Money Your Life) topics like health, finance, etc.

Authoritativeness : build authority around your brand or site. Get links from recognized sites, mentions in famous media or expert testimonials. It's a bit like receiving rave reviews for your work.

Trustworthiness: vyour site must be safe for Internet users. Make sure it is secure (HTTPS), transparent (with clear legal notices and privacy policy), and reliable (think positive customer reviews).

Experience : give your visitors a pleasant experience. This means a site with an intuitive design, fast to load and easy to navigate.


8 # — Be actively present on social networks

Although social networks are not part SEO techniques themselves, they play a key role in increasing the visibility of your brand. Every tweet, every post on Facebook or every image on Instagram is a new golden opportunity to captivate an even larger audience and drive more traffic to your site. But that's not all ! Social media drives engagement – people like, share, comment – and all that hubbub creates links and referrals to your site. It's as if every interaction becomes a recommendation for your brand.

And the icing on the cake? An active presence on these platforms strengthens your SEO. This gives your site a real boost so that it climbs in search results. In short, if you want to solidify your online presence and improve your positioning in search engines, social networks are your best allies.

9 # — Write for voice search

How can your content become a star of voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant or Alexa? Writing for Voice Search makes your content responsive to user voice queries.

And to achieve this, here is the instructions:

➡️ What are the common questions in your industry? How would your ideal client ask these questions orally?

➡️ Adopt conversational and natural language. Voice searches are often phrased like everyday questions and answers.

➡️ Focus on long-tail keywords that match better with voice searches.

➡️ If your business targets a local customer base, be sure to include details about your location, service area. Anything that can help users find you more easily. Voice searches are directed to specific places, like “Where can I find the best baguette in Paris.”

10 # — Promoting creativity in the service of SEO

To make your content truly unique and captivating, think about thinking outside the box. Vary formats by integrating videos, infographics or even podcasts, and approach your subjects from new angles. Your original approach will attract the attention of a curious audience and encourage the sharing of your content. This is a valuable asset for boosting your organic referencing (SEO). THE storytelling, or the art of storytelling, infuses energy and authenticity into your content. Stories that resonate with your readers' experiences or emotions are particularly impactful and memorable.

➡️ For example, instead of just showcasing a product, tell the story of one of your customers who used it to overcome a particular problem. Describe how this discovery transformed his life, his way of working, etc.

➡️ For example, to talk about the story of your company, tell it in the form of a human adventure. Instead of listing the steps to creating your business, tell the story of a defining moment: what was the starting point for your current success? What key episode? Share obstacles, doubts, fears, failures, but also your successes, even the most modest.

Finally, don't forget the importance of a well-designed website, offering user experience (UX) quality. Neat visual elements and intuitive navigation are essential to attract and retain visitors to your site.

What you must remember

The secret to a successful business often lies in its online visibility. A robust and quality SEO strategy becomes a major asset for any brand keen to stand out, especially in competitive sectors. These 10 SEO techniques are like pieces of a puzzle: each one works together to help you increase your visibility, improve your positioning in search results and effectively engage your target audience.

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