IndexNow Wix: Your Content Indexed Faster

The wait is finally over, IndexNow on Wix is revolutionizing the way your content is indexed online. For years, SEOs have been sounding the alarm about many search engine indexing problems. No more waiting for days, or even weeks, for your pages to be referenced. With IndexNow, your content will now be indexed faster than ever, giving your Wix site a major competitive advantage in SEO. Let’s take stock in this article.

Indexing difficulties known for 2 years

It is in 2021 that Microsoft, in partnership with Yandex, had already decided to take the subject very seriously. Indeed, in March 2021, Bing had put forward the idea of offering a URL submission tool directly in WordPress, which is one of the most used CMS in the world. At the time, the idea had been put forward by Fabrice Canel, responsible for crawling at Bing, before making its way... Indeed, faced with more and more numerous websites, the objective of a such initiative was to facilitate robot crawling, and therefore limit bandwidth consumption. After a few months, a very surprising partnership was born on the web…


An unprecedented partnership between Bing and Yandex

In October 2021, American and Russian companies decided to join forces to create IndexNow, a solution that greatly facilitates crawling and indexing web pages in their respective search engines. Concretely, just use this tool to indicate each new web page (or page modification) in just a few clicks. A real winning bet for crawlers who save bandwidth, and for webmasters who see here the opportunity to have their new pages indexed more quickly. Largely absent from the equation, Google has unfortunately not integrated this protocol.

A solution already adopted by other CMS

In two years, the IndexNow solution has come a long way, notably by integrating very easily with certain solutions like WordPress. With a simple module to install, even website publishers who have little knowledge of web development can use this solution. Unfortunately, IndexNow was slow to become available on some CMS, such as Wix. This solution already has a bad image among certain SEOs, we imagine that the absence of this functionality has not contributed to its popularity. However, Wix has just communicated on the subject, and this should delight the platform's customers!

IndexNow Wix: It’s Now

It was through communication from Einat Hoobian-Seybold, product manager at Wix, that we learned a few weeks ago that IndexNow would indeed be available for users of the platform. Even if certain studies, such as that of Ahrefs, have shown that the indexing of Wix sites is not always optimal on Google, we imagine that indexing should be faster on Bing.

Unfortunately, while this remains good news and a notable advancement for Wix, not all users will be able to benefit from this brand new feature. In fact, only users who have the Premium plan on Wix will be able to take advantage of this to speed up the indexing of their pages. On the other hand, for websites eligible to use IndexNow, we can only highlight the ease of use of the tool, especially since it is active by default. In addition to facilitating the indexing of new site pages, the pre-integrated module also makes it possible to deindex pages deleted from websites: a significant time saving !


A helping hand towards the SEO community?

In recent years, Wix has not enjoyed a very good image among the French-speaking SEO community. Indeed, the platform has been widely criticized for its lack of tools allowing optimization of natural referencing of pages. However, by integrating the IndexNow solution into its platform, we can see in this a hand extended towards the SEOs. Even if the platform has not yet communicated on new features allowing website publishers, web agencies and SEO consultants to develop the visibility of sites using its platform, this remains encouraging for the future.

What you must remember

In conclusion, the arrival of IndexNow Wix is promising news for users of this CMS:

  • It provides faster indexing of online content.
  • This service is the result of a partnership between Bing and Yandex aimed at facilitating the crawling and indexing of web pages.
  • Premium plan users can enjoy this feature.
  • Wix marks a notable improvement for the SEO community showing its desire to strengthen its natural referencing capabilities.

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