Faut-il ajouter une FAQ SEO dans son site web ?

La page FAQ, spécifiquement orientée vers le SEO (Search Engine Optimization), est bien souvent la grande oubliée dans la création d'un site internet. Or, son rôle est essentiel pour obtenir une meilleure visibilité et, par conséquent, pour attirer plus de clients potentiels. Et ce, même si Google a réduit la visibilité des résultats enrichis « FAQ » sur ses pages de résultats ! Les Foires aux Questions aident toujours à répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs et à améliorer le référencement naturel d'un site web. Explorons pourquoi elles sont toujours utiles en 2025.

What exactly is the FAQ?

The FAQ, common abbreviation of Frequently Asked Questions, is a section which is presented in the form of a list of questions and answers. His goal ? Answer the most frequently asked questions from Internet users about the services offered by the site or the products offered for sale on the online store.


Static FAQ or dynamic FAQ?

A static FAQ is presented on a single page. The questions are displayed there and simply click on the one that interests you to see the answer appear. The dynamic FAQ requires the use of a search bar. The Internet user is then sent to another page on which he will find the answer to his question. The choice simply depends on your needs and those of your audience.

Google removed FAQ rich snippets from its results pages

In 2023, Google reduced the visibility of “FAQ” rich results on its results pages, reserving them primarily for authoritative government and health sites. But rest assured, Google values always content that provides useful and relevant information. Frequently Asked Questions therefore still play a valuable role behind the scenes of the user experience. So if you have marked up your FAQs with structured data, don't panic! According to Google Search CentralYou can remove this structured data from your site, but there is no need to proactively remove it. Structured data that is not used does not cause problems for Google Search, but also has no visible effects there ".

Why set up an FAQ on a website?

A Frequently Asked Questions is actually an asset for a website. It helps improve user confidence, because it values their experience and expertise in their field. Pages dedicated to frequently asked questions provide a better browsing experience for the customer.

Quick and clear answers for Internet users

Internet users, as we know, are not very patient. Providing them with an FAQ allows you to provide them with a quick answer to their questions and keep them captive on your pages.

Credibility for the site

To be effective, your question-and-answer section must address questions that are really related to the questions that your readers and potential future customers are asking. This makes users feel like the brand is trying to help them transparently. A good point to retain them. This also implies that the brand has perfect knowledge of the services and products it markets and gives it a serious professional quality.

Saving time for teams

Depending on the importance of the site, the time spent answering the same questions can be time-consuming and a waste of time for the teams. In fact, the time spent responding to customers can no longer be used to carry out other tasks. Furthermore, this repetitive activity can quickly become boring. Setting up a Frequently Asked Questions section makes it possible to limit the number of questions to be answered, whether by email or by telephone. A bit like a virtual assistant who takes care of frequently asked questions!

SEO FAQ: a real asset for natural referencing?

SEO is essential for any website looking for visibility. Opt for the implementation of an SEO FAQ to improve your natural referencing is a great way to do this.

An interesting addition of keywords

The advantage of the SEO FAQ is that it allows you to add content and through this, a certain number of keywords. Well chosen, these keywords will potentially improve the site’s SEO.

Relevant questions that interest Google

Furthermore, a Frequently Asked Questions being based on the principle of the most frequent searches, it therefore uses the same process as Google. The answers provided via a FAQ page can answer certain questions asked on the search engine by Internet users. He will therefore use the answers from the FAQs to develop his own answers. In this way, your website can potentially appear in search results on a specific topic at the snippet level, leading to an increase in visits to your web pages. In this too, the SEO FAQ turns out to be a powerful SEO tool.


How to build an FAQ to generate traffic?

To set up a question and answer page, it is important to follow a few essential steps. Among these, and as with all content marketing approaches:

Identify your target

Put yourself in the place of your commercial target (Buyer Persona) and ask yourself the questions they might ask about the products offered for sale on your site. Make a list of questions you have already been asked (email, telephone, etc.) on your own site and take inspiration from your competitors' Frequently Asked Questions.

Use the right tools

Estimate the number of potential queries from the question list thanks to dedicated tools like Ubersuggest, Google Adwords Keyword, Answer The Public For example.

Optimize keywords

Help yourself with the functionality AlsoAked who will direct you to other keywords Or other expressions that you hadn't thought of. This may lead you to ask additional questions. If you sell women's clothing, ask a question like "How do I choose the right size for my dress?" » which will attract other Internet users.

Answer clearly and be concise

Start your answers with “yes” or “no” and use intelligible terms. All your readers, including those unfamiliar with technical jargon, should get a simple and short answer.

Insert a call to action

Insert a call to action (CTA) inviting your prospects to come and discover your offer. This could be a button or link that leads to a product page, a contact form, a newsletter signup, or even a special promotion.

For example, if your FAQ covers aspects of software, you could conclude with:

“Request a free, no-obligation demo”.

General FAQ or dedicated FAQ?

Depending on the type of site, it may be useful to offer an FAQ dedicated to each product alongside a general FAQ for all practical formalities such as orders, delivery times and costs, etc.

How many questions to include in the FAQ?

There is no fixed number, include as many questions as necessary to cover your users' main concerns. The more complete it is, the better. By providing helpful answers, you keep your readers engaged for longer on your site, thereby reducing the bounce rate (your number 1 enemy). Furthermore, add relevant links to the internal pages of your site to encourage Internet users to explore your site further. Finally, don't forget to update your Frequently Asked Questions with fresh and relevant information.

What you must remember

A frequently asked questions page is primarily used to answer customer questions. It thus makes the customer experience more pleasant while boosting the visibility of your site. This is a great way to stand out from the competition. Think about this when creating your site or online store. Moreover, some site creation agencies will systematically offer you an SEO FAQ. If not, ask for it.

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