Écriture inclusive : tout ce qu'il faut savoir

La règle traditionnelle « le masculin l'emporte sur le féminin » a longtemps été l'outil dominant de notre langue, mais cela n'a pas toujours été le cas. L'écriture inclusive vient bouleverser cet équilibre en nous offrant une nouvelle palette pour exprimer la diversité des genres. Chaque mot devient une opportunité de refléter une réalité plus juste, loin des seuls points médians ou des formulations complexes. Cet article va éclaircir ce concept, en explorant ses origines, ses objectifs, ses principes et son influence dans la communication digitale. Destiné à ceux qui cherchent à comprendre l'inclusivité linguistique ou à enrichir leurs écrits, il vous aidera à mieux appréhender les enjeux de cette pratique.

What is inclusive writing?

C'est quoi l'écriture inclusive

Definition and example

Inclusive writing, or epicene writing, seeks to balance the representation of women and men dans notre communication écrite. Celle-ci évite les formules qui, souvent sans qu'on y pense, mettent le masculin en avant. Elle va plus loin en incluant également toutes les gender identities. L'idée, c'est de bâtir un langage qui soit le miroir d'une société, sans se heurter à des expressions qui érigent des cloisons ou propagent des stéréotypes. L'inclusion et la parité are at the heart of this approach.

➡️ Example: instead of saying “the teachers prepared the course”, we could write “the teachers prepared

the lesson ".

➡️ Example: instead of saying “doctors”, inclusive writing offers alternatives like “the medical profession”

or “medical team”.

Who invented inclusive writing?

Inclusive writing emerged in the 70s and 80s, carried by the feminist movements and civil rights. It is not the fruit of a single person, but of a collective collaboration to make the French language more inclusive. Activists and linguists have introduced practices like the midpoint (e.g. “students”) to reflect gender diversity. Their goal ? Promote equality and fight against discrimination. Today, this approach is supported by many activist communities and social organizations.


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Who uses inclusive writing?

In France, at the end of 2023, a law restricts inclusive writing dans les documents officiels. Un vrai coup de théâtre ! Alors que les ministries and the town halls doivent ranger au placard la rédaction inclusive pour leurs publications officielles, la musique n'est pas la même ailleurs. Aujourd'hui, certains higher institutions l'adoptent pour les supports pédagogiques. Elle est aussi utilisée par des entreprises engagées dans des social responsibility (CSR) policies, as well as by various media And Web sites aimed at promoting inclusiveness and reaching a diverse audience. Finally, activist and feminist communities see inclusive writing as a tool to fight discrimination and promote gender equality.

Even if inclusive writing is now banned in certain areas, the debate is far from over. In fact, it's still heated, with everyone having strong opinions on the subject.

Why use inclusive writing?

The objective of inclusive writing is to move the lines in our way of communicating, both orally and in writing, in order to create a bridge to inclusive society. That's to say :

  • Find a balance : éviter de privilégier systématiquement le masculin.

  • Making minorities visible : tout le monde mérite d'être vu et entendu !

  • Raise awareness of non-discrimination : réfléchir à nos réflexes linguistiques.

  • Break the clichés : proposer des formes alternatives et éviter la masculinisation.

  • Promote neutrality in language to avoid gender bias.

  • Adapting to societal changes : notre monde évolue, et avec lui, nos manières de communiquer.

What are the rules of inclusive writing?

Utiliser le point médian, choisir des expressions neutres et alterner les genres dans les exemples sont autant de démarches vers un discours plus inclusif.

règles de l'écriture inclusive

The midpoint

THE midpoint is one of the methods used in inclusive writing to include masculine and feminine endings in the same word.

➡️ Exemple : « les participant·e·s » au lieu de « les participants ou les participantes ».

Other alternatives include using the hyphen, parenthesis, or slash.

➡️ Example: “workshop participants are satisfied with their experience”.

➡️ Example: “the engineering students have passed their exam”.

➡️ Example: “architects are recognized for their creativity”.

Epicene words

There epicene formulation favors the use of neutral terms which do not specify a gender.

➡️ Exemple : utiliser « la direction » au lieu de « les directeurs » ou « les directrices ».

Double bending

There double bending includes both masculine and feminine forms in the same sentence or expression to include both genders.

➡️ Exemple : dire « les directrices et les directeurs ont approuvé le nouveau règlement » au lieu de « les directeurs ont approuvé le nouveau règlement ».

The agreement of genres

L'gender agreement grant them Adjectives and the past participles depending on the genre of the subject.

➡️ Example : « les étudiantes et les étudiants sont content·e·s. »

The proximity agreement

L'proximity agreement granted The adjective with the closest name.

➡️ Exemple : « les enfants et leur mère sont arrivées » (accord avec « mère », le nom le plus proche) au lieu de « les enfants et leur mère sont arrivés ».

The use of inclusive pronouns

THE inclusive pronouns offer an option non-binary to include all gender identities in language.

➡️ Exemple : « iels » peut être utilisé à la place de « ils » ou « elles » pour parler d'un groupe sans spécifier le genre.

The feminization of professions, functions and titles

The adaptation of trade names, of functions and of female titles aims to represent the feminine gender in language.

➡️ Exemple : « ingénieure » pour une femme exerçant dans le domaine de l'ingénierie, au lieu de « ingénieur ».

Alphabetical order

List of terms female And masculine Next alphabetical order.

➡️ Example: “students” instead of “students”.

Gender alternation

L'gender alternation consists of alternatively using the male and the feminine in examples or sentences for better parity.

➡️ Example: alternately using “Sir / Madam” in a formal letter to show the inclusion of both genders.


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Inclusive writing on the Web

Each of the rules of inclusive writing has advantages and disadvantages in terms of readability, clarity and aesthetics on the web. The choice of these rules must be guided by:

  • your brand identity;
  • your persona ;
  • your digital strategy objectives;
  • the positioning of your business.

Inclusive writing and digital communication

THE social networks constitute an excellent starting point for testing and adjusting the linguistic approach before extending it to other media such as website, there newsletter and the brochures. This approach makes it possible to become familiar with inclusive writing, to measure its impact and to engage the public in a dialogue on inclusive communication. To do this, consider the following points:

  • Analysis continues : optimize your communication strategy by analyzing statistics from social platforms. This data provides valuable insights into audience engagement and the effectiveness of inclusive writing.
  • Feedback from your audience : Regularly ask for feedback from your subscribers. Their opinions are valuable in adapting and improving your inclusive approach. Who better than them to tell you what suits them?
  • Training and awareness : train your editorial and marketing teams in inclusive writing for consistent adoption and to fully understand its benefits.

Inclusive writing and natural referencing (SEO)

Combining SEO and gender-neutral writing is almost an art! Search engine algorithms are getting better at capturing the intricacies of inclusive language, but inclusive terms don't always match the keywords people are searching for. Here is where to integrate inclusive formulas without disrupting the organic referencing of your website:

  • Body of the text: favor epicene words or double inflection.
  • Descriptions d'images (ALT attribute).
  • Calls to Action (CTAs).
  • Visuals: integrate images representing diversity.
  • FAQ: Answer questions using inclusive language.

However, it is recommended to use the midpoint with parsimony in the title tags (title, H1, H2, H3). Write for humans first, responding to the user's intention, after for the Google algorithms. Keep your texts clear, relevant and easy for people to understand, as complex content can increase rebound rate. A welcoming site is designed to the experience user, and this is highly appreciated by the web giant. Use tools like Google Analytics 4, there Search Console to monitor performance SEO and adjust your content.

An SEO agency can help you optimize your web content, ensuring that it is not only inclusive, but also well-referenced on search engines like Google, Bing, and Ecosia.

Using artificial intelligence (AI) for inclusive writing

THE advanced language models are valuable allies in integrating inclusive writing into your texts, especially if you have not yet mastered this practice.

For example, you can ask a tool like GPT-4 to rewrite text using inclusive terms. This makes it easier to adopt this approach in your communications. By using these tools, you save time and ensure communication that is respectful and representative of all identities.

For or against inclusive writing?


Benefits of Inclusive Writing

Adopting inclusive writing is a step towards equality. Our words have the power to build a space where everyone feels welcomed.

Par exemple, quand on parle d'« ingénieure » ou d'« autrice », c'est notre façon de reconnaître et de valoriser la présence des femmes dans tous les domaines professionnels, affirmant ainsi leur importance égale à celle des hommes. Et dans le monde de la publicité, des médias et du marketing ? L'écriture épicène peut augmenter l'engagement en s'adressant de manière directe et personnelle à un public plus large et diversifié.

In addition, it takes cisgender, transgender and non-binary people into account by offering language options that go beyond the traditional masculine/feminine framework.

Finally, inclusive writing pushes us to be more creative with words, exploring new forms to express ourselves in an inclusive way.

Disadvantages of Inclusive Writing

However, this egalitarian approach to writing presents some challenges.

First, there is a question of readability : certains trouvent que les textes deviennent plus complexes à « décoder ». Ensuite, la rédaction et la traduction de textes peuvent s'avérer plus ardues. En effet, les règles d'utilisation du langage égalitaire ne sont pas toujours claires pour tout le monde, engendrant des interrogations sur la « bonne » manière de l'utiliser et, parfois, de la confusion.

This uncertainty extends to the realm of SEO, where, to date, Google has not issued official guidelines regarding inclusive writing.

Finally, it is not yet welcomed with open arms everywhere, encountering resistance here and there. The French Academy also considers it as an alteration of our dear French language.

Towards egalitarian communication?

L'objectif serait de s'assurer que l'écriture inclusive englobe vraiment tout le monde de manière équitable. Mais, attention, il ne s'agit pas de compliquer les choses. Le langage, c'est notre outil du quotidien. Il doit rester simple et accessible, including for people with disabilities, language learners or even our elders who perhaps prefer things a little more traditional.

For me, the real challenge is to know if it can contribute to a linguistic landscape where everyone feels included, without compromising language accessibility for all. This subject is a real invitation to think and discuss, because it touches on the way we share our thoughts and our lives.

What you must remember

Inclusive writing is a subject that gets talked about a lot. It aims to adapt existing linguistic conventions to better represent the diversity of society. It intrigues, it challenges, and of course, it raises questions: is it easy to read? Is everyone there? Does it speak to my audience? Does this make our exchanges richer, more open? It's a bit like updating the French language software, wondering if everyone is ready for the new version. Some see it as a step forward for inclusiveness, others wonder if it doesn't complicate communication a little too much.

In the end, perhaps the important thing is to keep the conversation open, weigh the pros and cons, and see how we can evolve the way we communicate so that no one feels left behind. . It’s a delicate balance between tradition and modernity, between clarity and inclusion.

For further In your exploration of inclusive language, I invite you to discover the following resources:

  • Le manuel « L'écriture inclusive, et si on s'y mettait ? » de Raphaël Haddad.

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