Indexation : comment vérifier et optimiser votre vsibilité sur Google ?
Vous avez mis tout votre cœur dans la création de votre site ? C’est une étape importante, mais ce n’est que le début. Pour être visible sur Google, encore faut-il que vos pages soient bien indexées...
Plan de redirection : mode d'emploi et conseils
Vous pensez à refondre votre site, changer de nom de domaine ou réorganiser vos pages ? Ces changements peuvent paraître risqués pour votre visibilité, mais pas de panique ! Un plan de redirection SEO...
Optimiser sa fiche Google Business Profile : 20 questions / réponses
Aujourd’hui, être visible en ligne ne suffit plus : il faut capturer l’attention et convaincre. Et c’est là que Google My Business entre en jeu. Bien plus qu’une simple fiche d'entreprise...
Quality Score Google Ads : c'est quoi et comment l'améliorer ?
Avec un taux de confiance de 41% et un taux de clic moyen de 33%, les publicités Google constituent un levier incontournable pour atteindre ses objectifs marketing. Saviez-vous...
Web marketing
Comment trouver le sitemap d'un site web ?
Vous avez besoin de trouver le sitemap d'un site web ? Que ce soit pour analyser son contenu ou améliorer votre stratégie de référencement, trouver ce fichier est souvent plus simple qu'il n'y paraît...
Web marketing
How to add your site to Bing Webmaster Tools?
Bing Webmaster Tools, a valuable resource offered by Microsoft for all website owners. Start boosting your online visibility on Bing now...
Web marketing
Why do content marketing?
Are you wondering why content marketing? For businesses looking to attract and retain their audience, this is the ideal solution. Marketing...
HTML comments: what impact on SEO?
SEO goes way beyond keywords, quality content and links; it touches on many technical aspects of web development. But...
Web marketing
SEO or SEA: what to invest in to boost your visibility?
Natural referencing (SEO) and paid referencing (SEA) constitute essential SEM (Search Engine Marketing) tools...
Web marketing
What is Yandex and how do you index your site on the platform?
When we talk about search engines, we immediately think of Google and Bing. But there is another key player who is often underestimated.
The 5W method: writing well on the web
Bloggers, web editors or even site owners, do you want each of your articles to be a magnet for readers and search engines? Adopt the method...
Web marketing
Les moteurs de recherche éco-responsables à connaître en 2025
In our digital age, every interaction on the web, every request, every click leaves a significant environmental trace...
Web marketing
The most common site errors
Your project is finally starting to take shape and it's time to create your e-commerce site! However, selling on the internet requires...
SEO backlinks: the practical guide
Backlinks? Your ambassadors for successful SEO! At the heart of natural referencing are inbound links, these strong signals tell Google that a site is...
Inclusive writing: what is it, why and how to use it?
The traditional rule “masculine prevails over feminine” has long been the standard brush in our linguistic toolbox (but this was not always the case!)...
Loss of SEO positions: how to explain it?
Do you notice a loss of SEO positions? These changes can sometimes happen without warning, but every problem has its solution. After all, getting a place...
10 techniques to improve your online visibility
Today, an online presence is no longer enough. You have to be visible, and in a strategic way. No matter how exceptional your product or content is...
Faut-il ajouter une FAQ dans son site internet en 2025 ?
The FAQ is often the most forgotten when creating a website. However, its role is essential to obtain better visibility...
Web marketing
Buyer persona: 47 key questions to define it
The concept of the ideal customer profile goes beyond simple demographic data: it encompasses various aspects such as communication preferences...
Web marketing
7 essential steps to create a white paper
Discover the power of the white paper, a powerful tool to help companies shine through their expertise. Much more than just a...
Web marketing
Drop in traffic to your site? Possible reasons
You own a website, but you have noticed a significant drop in the number of Internet users viewing your pages? You don't know...
Web writing
5 writing techniques to succeed in your hooks
Imagine instantly captivating your readers, getting them to immerse themselves in your content from the first words. In a digital world saturated with information, communication techniques...
Web marketing
Comment faire de la publicité sur Pinterest : le guide
Pinterest may not be the first social network you think of when thinking about a marketing strategy incorporating Social Ads. However, it is a real search engine...
SEO writing
Bulleted lists: highlight your content
Give your blog posts and web pages a boost with an essential tip: bulleted lists! Captivate your readers, simplify...
Social networks
SEO on Twitter: 8 tips to optimize your SEO
It's obvious that you've seen tweets or Twitter accounts appear in the SERPs when you search for something...
HTML SEO tags: the essentials to know
HTML tags are like the foundation of a house. They are the foundation on which your website rests. You want your visitors...
ALT tag: 5 rules for properly referencing your images
In addition to having to choose coherent visuals that stick to your subject, it is essential to make good use of them via the ALT tag...
Web marketing
How to add your site to Google Search Console?
If you own a website, you know that appearing at the top of Google search results makes all the difference. Did you know that Google offers a free tool...
Social networks
Advertising on TikTok: best practices to optimize your campaigns
With 1.092 billion active users on the application as of April 2023, TikTok is a growing social network...
Web marketing
IndexNow comes to Wix: your content indexed faster
The wait is finally over, IndexNow is coming to the Wix platform to revolutionize the way your content is indexed...
What are the advantages of in-company training?
Business leaders tend to neglect training for employees, considering that it increases the company's costs...
SEO errors: pitfalls to avoid to improve your ranking
Did you know that SEO errors that seem insignificant can harm your positioning in Google, Bing, etc. search results?
Web marketing
4 ways to increase your online sales through blogging
Adding a blog to an e-commerce site can help you increase sales, especially if you add quality content...
Social networks
A perfect LinkedIn profile: 12 keys to success
Today, the professional network LinkedIn has more than 17 million active users. Whether you are looking for a job or...
Web marketing
What are the different types of websites?
In the digital age, a company must have its own website to mark its presence on the Web, and this, whatever its scale...
Web marketing
Data Driven Marketing: a powerful lever for your strategy
Data marketing is a booming discipline which consists of collecting and analyzing data in order to facilitate decision-making...
Create a relevant inbound link (backlink)
In this article dedicated to link building, we will highlight the essential aspect of the relevance of incoming links (backlinks) on...
Web marketing
Email marketing: the guide to successful campaigns
A fundamental element of any web marketing strategy, emailing is a fantastic lever for engagement and conversion...
How to recognize greenwashing?
Greenwashing is a marketing technique used by companies to present themselves as environmentally friendly...
Web marketing
7 basics of a web content strategy
Have you decided to start creating online content? Very good choice ! Indeed, the creation of
online content is...
Comment optimiser son SEO vocal en 2025 ?
Votre audience ne se contente plus de taper des mots-clés dans Google, elle parle directement à Siri, Alexa ou encore Google Assistant. Et devinez...
Target query: what is it and how to choose it?
Do you want to improve your positioning in search results and attract your target audience?
Web marketing
45 web tools to boost your online presence
Start your digital adventure with this guide to more than 45 essential web tools...
Where to place keywords in content?
Place the right keywords in quality content: the ultimate recipe for being found by Internet users...
3 simple steps to optimize images
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Google understands this well. According to the web giant, 22.6 % of searches...
Search intent in SEO: what you need to know
Do you find yourself writing blog articles or web pages without taking into account the desires of Internet users?
Title tag: the SEO recipe to optimize it
The title of a web page or blog article is one of the most important elements in SEO...
How to optimize your local SEO?
Local online visibility, an essential step. 46 % of Google queries...
Web writing
Punctuation mistakes to avoid on a website
Are you making these punctuation mistakes without knowing it? We don't always...
Social networks
How to write an effective caption?
How to Write a Magnetic Instagram Caption for Your Business?