Content strategy service

Créez des connexions, générez des conversions

Vous arrive-t-il de publier au jour le jour, selon votre inspiration ?

Vous ne savez pas pour qui ni pourquoi vous créez du contenu ?

Do you want to stand out from the competition? Attract and retain your target audience?


What is there “content strategy”?

Content strategy, or editorial strategy, encompasses the creation of online content with the aim of attracting relevant audiences and converting them into customers. No more intrusive sales approaches: content is king.

How ? It's about designing and distributing content designed for your target audience, on one or more channels, at the best time. This strategy is based on four keys:





Content strategy represents the essential digital roadmap for growing an online business over the long term. Perseverance and consistency are essential! Whether on a blog or on social networks, the editorial strategy leaves no room for chance.

The content strategy service gives you all the keys to showcase your business on the Web in a remarkable way. Develop your business with content that resonates and leaves an impression!


The benefits of a content strategy

By attracting your potential customers with relevant and quality content,

inbound marketing allows you to create a relationship of trust and loyalty with your audience.

Promote your know-how, your expertise

Enhance the shine of your brand identity

Reveal your products/services to the target audience

Provide answers to online user questions

Build a bond of trust with your audience

Increase your visibility on the web

The keys to a sustainable editorial strategy

SMART objectives

Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound objectives.

A customer avatar

The semi-fictional and detailed representation

of ideal customer.

Targeted queries

The choice of relevant keywords with high SEO potential.

An editorial calendar

The scheduling tool that organizes and structures content creation, publishing and promotion.

An editorial charter

The document that establishes the guidelines, standards and tone to follow when creating and distributing content.

Relevance and regularity

The production of high value-added content that meets the expectations of Internet users.

Content strategy service

Content strategy support

Audit, competitive analysis, definition of objectives, development of a customer avatar, research of targeted keywords, definition of an editorial line, establishment of the editorial schedule.

The deliverable is provided in the form of a complete file, followed by a verbal exchange for restitution and answering your questions.

Content strategy encompasses a variety of formats, adapted to different platforms:

Company blog

Social networks

Email marketing

Video platforms

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

How much does a content strategy service cost?

The investment required for the provision of content strategy is 660 euros.

This includes all the essential steps, from the initial audit to creating your editorial plan, defining objectives, researching keywords and developing your customer avatar. This work represents more than 10 hours of service.

Each service is 100 % personalized to precisely meet your needs and provide you with an effective and adapted content strategy.

What is the difference between content strategy and content marketing?

Content strategy is the action plan to follow to bring your ideal customer to you.

Content marketing is simply the art of promoting your content.

Why carry out a content audit before (and after) creating your editorial strategy?

Conquering the web without carrying out a content audit: it's a bit like if an interior decorator took on the project of beautifying an interior without taking into account the volume of the rooms, the layout and the 'existing !

The SEO audit studies the existing content of your website. Does your site provide enough editorial content? If so, what are the most read, but also the least appreciated, contents? Is the choice of keywords justified and relevant? Is the semantic field sufficiently developed? So many questions that you must answer before you want to attract the interest of your ideal clientele.

The ultimate goal ? Improve the performance of your content to get more qualified traffic and clicks to your website.

What is an editorial calendar?

The editorial calendar or publication calendar is a tool that allows you to organize your content strategy and have a precise vision of the articles to be written over the long term (3 or 6 months, even a year).

The idea is simple: all your article ideas must be planned from A to Z. This way you overcome the anxiety of the blank page.

What support should I use to create the editorial schedule?

  • Excel;
  • Trello or Notion for example;
  • Google Calendar.

This schedule includes a certain number of sections to complete in the order you wish:

  • date of publication of the article;
  • number of words ;
  • main keyword;
  • secondary keywords;
  • title of the article;
  • the structure (titles and subtitles);
  • the URL of the article;
  • the category of the article.

To go further, you can also add:

  • the date the article was created;
  • status: published/to be published;
  • the sources ;
  • the number of internal links (and the text of the links);
  • calls to action (CTAs).

Build a tailor-made content strategy
