Pinterest agency in Paris

Boost your traffic with Pinterest

Obtenez plus de visibilité, de visiteurs sur votre site

et de ventes grâce à des stratégies Pinterest ciblées et créatives.


Pinterest, a social network like no other

With 444 million active users Worldwide, Pinterest is a major player in visual marketing. Much more than a social network, it is above all search engine !

Pinterest users are looking for inspiration for various projects such as homestaging, renovation or even shopping. This platform functions like a vast virtual library where users come to pick up ideas, often having an explicit purchasing intention.

Use Pinterest to develop your business

This is a valuable opportunity to grab users’ attention and expand your brand’s online visibility. Did you know ? Pinterest offers twice the ROI to other platforms such as Instagram or TikTok. In this sense, a Pinterest agency can help you:

● Highlight your products or services.

● Increase your conversion rate.

● Attract visitors ready to engage or buy.

● Promote your expertise.

● Express your originality and unique style.


Exploit the potential of Pinterest in its SEO strategy

Pinterest boosts your site’s SEO! By creating quality “nofollow” inbound links that redirect to your website, you increase referral traffic. Even if these backlinks do not transmit SEO juice », their importance remains essential, because they contribute to the awareness of your brand. Google and Bing still consider them an indicator of trustworthiness and authority, which is beneficial for your search rankings.

Increase company awareness

Generate qualified traffic to your website

Get natural links

Improve your site authority

The services of a agency Pinterest SEO in Paris

Pinterest marketing services from A to Z.

Definition of marketing persona

Accurate identification of the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the target audience.

Creation of a professional Pinterest account

Creation of a professional Pinterest account adapted to the needs of the business.

Pinterest profile optimization

Profile customization to maximize visibility and attractiveness to the target audience (biography, CTA, claiming the site on Pinterest, etc.).

Choice of keywords on which to position the brand

Strategic keyword selection to improve brand SEO/activity on Pinterest.

Creation of tailor-made content

Design of unique visuals and texts specifically adapted for the audience and the platform.

Optimizing content to rank on Pinterest and improve SEO

Applying SEO best practices to increase pin visibility.

Engagement Routine

Regular interaction with the community to increase engagement and loyalty.

Advertising campaigns

Creation and management of targeted advertising campaigns to increase reach and acquisition of new customers.

Monitoring and analyzes

Evaluation of performance and adjustment of the Pinterest strategy based on the results obtained.

Conquer the visual search engine

Here's what happens next.

Initial consultation 

We discuss your goals, your target audience, and your brand. This step allows the Pinterest agency to understand your needs and establish a suitable strategy.

Pinterest Audit

Reviewing your current presence on Pinterest and evaluating your existing pins, boards to identify opportunities for improvement.

Content strategy

Building a custom content plan, including creating editorial calendars, choosing which types of Pins to use, and more.

Creating and optimizing Pins

Creating engaging, SEO-optimized Pins, ensuring each Pin is designed to captivate and engage your target audience.

Advertising campaign management

Setting up and managing advertising campaigns on Pinterest to increase the reach and engagement of your Pins, if necessary.

Analytics and reporting

Regular performance monitoring with detailed analyses. You will receive monthly reports that include traffic generated, user engagement, conversions.

Adjustment and optimization

Adjustment of current strategy and campaigns to continually improve results and achieve set goals.

Pinterest is not just an image sharing platform, it is a powerful SEO tool.

Properly exploited, it can play a key role in increasing your web traffic.

The SEO Scribe

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

How much does Pinterest support cost?

The cost of support on Pinterest varies depending on the project. Here is a general idea of the investments to be expected:

  • For services like custom content creation, pin optimization for SEO, and boards, the monthly investment is typically between $500 and $1,500.
  • For companies wishing to boost their presence on Pinterest, particularly through advertising campaigns, the investment can extend to more than €2,500 per month.
How does the Pinterest search engine work?

A pin corresponds to a visual or video. You can pin » of the pins » in the thematic tables of your choice. A link is associated to your website from the publication (or product in question).

You can therefore create tables on various themes. SEO optimization on Pinterest helps people discover you. To do this, it is important to insert keywords according to the search intentions of Internet users on the platform.

Pins on Pinterest generally have a longer lifespan than content on other social networks, often estimated at 3 months or more.

What are the different publication formats on the platform?

Pinterest France offers several publishing formats that allow brands to share their content in a visually attractive and engaging way:

  • Image Pins : publications composed mainly of static images (images, photos, illustrations, infographics).
  • Video Pins : Posts that contain videos, which can automatically play in users' feed.
  • Mix Pins images/videos : combinations of images and videos in a single post.

Experiment with different Pin formats to see what engages your audience the most.

How can you increase traffic to my website from Pinterest?

Pinterest Agency can create optimized Pins with direct links to your site, promote specific content through Promoted Pins, and implement Pinterest SEO strategies to increase traffic.

Why advertise on Pinterest (Pinterest Ads)?

The advantages of Pinterest Ads:

  • Targeted and receptive audience : Pinterest users are rather active and have interesting purchasing power.
  • High purchase intention : users are looking for inspiration for purchasing projects, which increases the conversion rate.
  • Competitive acquisition costs : less saturated than other platforms, Pinterest offers attractive acquisition costs.
  • Immersive ads for e-commerce : advertising formats are optimized for e-commerce.
  • qualified traffic : Pinterest can become a main source of traffic for websites.

How do you measure the success of a strategy on Pinterest?

The Pinterest agency measures success through key indicators such as the number of saved pins, web traffic generated, user engagement and return on investment of advertising campaigns.

What is the ideal posting frequency on Pinterest?

There is no ideal posting frequency. But a good practice is to pin regularly, several times a week, to maintain engagement without overwhelming followers.

Why choose Ouiscribe?


Global and personalized strategy


Years of experience in web marketing


Years of SEO experience

Capture attention, convert creatively on Pinterest

Digital marketing advice

Find the latest blog articles on digital marketing (search engine optimization, web writing, social networks, business, etc.) in the scribotheque.


Search intent in SEO: what you need to know


Buyer persona: 47 key questions to define it


HTML SEO tags: the essentials to know
