7 steps to create a white paper

Updated March 21, 2024

The white paper: a powerful lever to promote businesses thanks to their expertise. Beyond a simple document, it offers concrete solutions to a specific audience. However, its creation as part of a content marketing strategy requires rigor, time and impeccable organization. Follow these 7 simple steps to guide you in developing your own eBook.

What is a white paper?

The white paper is an informative document that addresses a specific subject in depth and popularized manner. It attracts businesses thanks to its remarkable performance. But what are the secrets of this craze? First, it offers quality content, reducing paper waste while often remaining free or at an affordable cost. In addition, its availability on various digital media makes it a flexible and accessible tool for everyone.

This simple tool boosts business content strategy, highlighting their expertise while attracting their ideal clientele (lead generation). White papers are not exclusively intended for businesses (B2B). In my opinion, they can also be a valuable resource for individuals (B2C).


Create a white paper: the key steps

From defining the target to careful layout, discover the path to captivating and effective informative content.

1. Define the objectives, the target, the subject and the problem

First of all, Ask yourself the right questions, those for which you are required to produce your white paper. There are four that you should particularly think about before starting any maneuvers.

➡️ What are your marketing objectives?

What goals do you want to achieve with your next white paper? Maybe you dream of landing new clients in exchange? Is it rather the idea of becoming the reference in your field that motivates you? Or is retaining your current customers at the heart of your concerns? Whatever your goals, writing your next white paper can be the powerful engine that makes them happen.

➡️ Who is your target audience?

The first concerns that of your target. Who are you writing for ? What is the target of your white paper? ? A priori, if you start writing an e-book, you must already have an idea of the typical profile of your prospects and your target audience. If this is not the case, you need to look into developing a persona. in order to refine your work. This is a key moment to know where you are going and to define the message to be delivered subsequently as well as what your audience expects.

➡️ What is the theme of the white paper?

Then you have to ask yourself what purpose you make this white paper. Once you know what type of person you want to reach, list the problems they might have and how you can help them solve them.

➡️ What problem will you address?

Finally, ask yourself sIt is possible to match this issue to what you are selling, whether products or services. Other questions could help you find the guideline of your ebook:

What is your area of expertise and your level of expertise?

What can you bring to your audience through your white paper?

Do you want to conquer a new market or be in your usual niche?  

What is certain is that before you embark on the rwriting your white paper, it is important to get your brain moving!


2. Structure with a detailed plan

Once you have cleared your subject as much as possible, it is important to frame your content. Take your time to clearly define your future editorial production. You certainly have ideas in your head, it's true that it might be tempting to write down everything that comes to mind, but that would be a mistake. Your white paper risks being confusing, messy and meaningless! Do things in order, and don't forget to define:


  • a title ;
  • a summary of approximately 200 words of your white paper;
  • an introduction ;
  • the parts as well as their sub-parts;
  • a conclusion.

The structure of your ebok is established. Now it's time to find your sources.

3. Do effective research

You are an expert in your field. So, chances are you know your market better than anyone. However, it is important to note all of the sources who can help you with design of your white paper. Take note of the experts of your market as well as possible customers that you could contact in order to improve the ebook. This can flesh out your document with content and citations. This obviously depends on the size of your white paper, but know that there is no point in selecting fifty. For a document of around twenty pages, 2 to 3 experts will be enough.

Go see what the competition is saying. Sort through: keep what seems reliable to you, throw away what seems erroneous or inconsistent! Obviously, read numerous studies and other sources relating to your white paper. Always by citing your source, your work will gain in credibility. Relevant sites like Government sites are for example an excellent choice. Read, read, read! A lot of content exists, but not only on the internet. Go to the library and borrow the books that interest you. The reliability of your sources is essential. Psychologically, the reader will be much more invested and less “fearful” when seeing quotes from people recognized in a sector.

4. Start writing the ebook

Up until then, you have already thought carefully and made some progress. If your work is done well, you should have enough material to create a white paper. Then it’s time to get started. 

Let your pen speak, while being pragmatic. And above all: don’t copy and paste! If you repeat someone's words, specify your source and who the author is. Know that there is no “typical white paper”, no precise length. But the point of a white paper is to not overdo it. A document that is too long is not a white paper. On the contrary, the idea is to be simple and concise. This is precisely where the difficulty lies. In our opinion, a white paper to be both complete, impactful And not too heavy, should contain between 5,000 and 8,000 words.


5. Reread, correct, reformulate the text

Regardless of your level of writing, your white paper can never be perfect at the end of the first draft. Do not reread your document on the spot, just after you have concluded it. Give yourself a break of several days. Yes, it takes energy. Diving back into it to check your mistakes straight away would be a mistake. You're probably not at peak concentration, so recharge your batteries.

Now that you have clear ideas, you can reread your white paper. This proofreading will allow you to correct spelling mistakes, syntax errors, inconsistencies and possibly comprehension difficulties. Also, rereading your work for the first time will give you an idea of your creation: Is that clear ? Will the reader be captivated?

It is not uncommon to delete entire parts, because these add nothing to your white paper. It doesn't matter if it's three paragraphs shorter than expected! Finally, a little tip that is always effective: have your ebook proofread by someone you know. A colleague, someone from the family, a companion. This person will be able to tell you whether your white paper is well produced or not.

6. Encourage the readership to take action

How ? Simply add a call to action (CTA) at the end of your ebook. Encourage your readers to go further by downloading bonus resources, subscribing to a newsletter, or taking advantage of exclusive offers. It’s a simple and effective way to maintain their interest, get them more involved and increase conversions. For a powerful CTA, be clear:

  • motivate with action verbs like “download now”;
  • highlight benefits as “exclusive advice”;
  • create an emergency like “unlimited supply”;
  • make sure the button is clearly visible and well placed.

7. Create an Attractive Layout

Fitness to close the loop! Even if the writing is finished, there remains one last step to finish your white paper. And it's not necessarily the simplest. It's time to format your document, with a graphic aspect to stand out, well-sized images, a beautiful arrangement of titles and subtitles, your sources and other hyperlinks, etc. But it is necessary work to make the best book possible. Because capturing your audience also requires careful design.

💡 What to remember

In conclusion, the seven practical steps above will help you create an effective white paper:

  1. Define the objectives, the target, the subject and the problem.
  2. Structure with a detailed plan: create a clear plan with title, summary, introduction, parts, sub-parts and conclusion.
  3. Carry out effective research: consult experts, customers and studies to enrich your content in a credible way.
  4. Write concisely: avoid copying and pasting, cite your sources, and aim for a text length between 5,000 and 8,000 words.
  5. Proofread and edit: Give yourself time to rest before correcting mistakes, improve clarity, and adjust the content.
  6. Create a call to action.
  7. Don't forget the final formatting: finalize your book with an attractive design and quality images.

You now have all the keys in hand to create your white paper!

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Delegate the writing of your white paper
