Guide to indexing your site on Yandex

When it comes to browsing the web, Google and Bing are often the first names that come to mind. But there is a lesser-known giant that dominates a vast territory: Yandex. So what is it ? Nicknamed the “Russian Google”, this search engine is very popular in Russia, even more than Google itself! If your goal is to capture the attention of the Russian market, Yandex should be your focus. Curious to know how to get your website visible on this Russian search engine? I explain everything to you in this article.


What is Yandex?

What is Yandex?

Yandex, often nicknamed the “ Google of Russia », is the 4th most used search engine in the world. Founded in 1997 by Arkady Volozh And Ilya Segalovich, Yandex dominates the Russian market with more than 65 % market share ( In 2011, Yandex made a splash by going public on the NASDAQ, asserting its status as a technology giant. But Yandex didn't stop there. The company has also spread its wings beyond Russia, offering localized versions of its services in Turkey, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Quels services Yandex offre-t-il pour les entreprises ?

It should be noted that it is the Swiss army knife of the Russian web, not just a search engine! Here are some of the flagship services offered by this Russian platform:

  • Web search: Yandex offers a comprehensive search engine using advanced algorithms, as well as image and video search tailored to Russian-speaking users.
  • Yandex.Maps : a GPS mapping and navigation service.
  • Yandex.Mail : a spam-free, secure and reliable inbox.
  • Yandex.Metrica : Russian Google Analytics to analyze your website traffic.
  • Yandex.Direct : a platform to manage online advertising campaigns.
  • Yandex.Market : an online market to find and buy a multitude of products.
  • Yandex.Translate : an instant translation service.

In addition to these services, Yandex also invests in cutting-edge technologies like autonomous vehicles and artificial intelligence (AI), making it a major player in technological innovation.

Additional resources:

A detailed overview of Yandex's history, services and recent developments:

Why use Yandex?

If your goal is to conquer the Russian market, Yandex becomes essential. Thanks to its ability to adapt to local specificities, this search engine understands the Russian language and cultural nuances better than any other, giving you a clear advantage in reaching this target audience. Compared to Google, it is less saturated with content and ads, which allows you to stand out more easily and obtain better natural referencing (SEO). In addition, advertising campaigns are generally less expensive with a Lower cost per click (CPC). Clearly, if you want your business to flourish in Russia, Yandex is your best choice!

What is Yandex Webmaster Tools?

Tools for site owners on Yandex

Webmaster Tools is a free toolbox to help website owners to manage and optimize their presence on the Russian search engine. Better visibility and performance!

What are Yandex Webmaster Tools used for?

With this toolbox, you can easily:

  • Check the indexing of your site pages by YandexBot (the Russian search engine crawler).
  • Identify technical problems.
  • Analyze search queries that attract traffic.
  • Receive alerts for security concerns.
  • Track your site's performance with detailed reports.

Webmaster Tools helps you optimize your content to better meet the expectations of the Russian audience and increases your chances of ranking at the top of search results. This will allow you to generate a targeted traffic from Russia. You will have understood, the Russian alternative to Google is a precious ally for your SEO strategy.

How to index your site on Yandex?

Here are now 5 steps to connect your site to Yandex Webmaster Tools, which will allow you to monitor and optimize the presence of your site on the Russian search engine.

# 1 Create your Yandex account

  1. Go to the Yandex Webmaster Tools website:
  2. Click on “Login” if you already have a Yandex account, or on " Registration " to create a new account.

Follow the instructions to register.

# 2 Add your website

Once logged in, navigate to Yandex Webmaster website.

  1. Click on “Add a site” and enter the full URL of your website in the field provided.
  2. Click on " Add ".

# 3 Check site ownership

Yandex will ask you to confirm that you are the owner of the site. You will have the choice between several verification methods:

  • Download an HTML file provided by the search engine and place it at the root of your website.
  • Add a meta tag in the section of your site.
  • To use a DNS record to prove ownership through your domain provider.

Choose the method that suits you best and follow the instructions provided by the Russian search engine.

➡️ Personally, I find that adding the meta tag East the simplest solution.

If you use WordPress, I recommend you to install and activate the plugin RankMath. It is a free SEO plugin for WordPress. It will help you optimize your content and website for search engines, including Yandex.

  1. Copy the meta tag code from Yandex Webmaster Tools.
  2. Go to the RankMath extension and go down to the section “General settings → Webmaster tools”.

Screenshot: meta tag on Yandex to copy


Screenshot : meta tag tag to paste in “ Yandex Verification ID » on RankMath

3. Paste your meta tag in the Yandex verification ID field and click " Save Changes ".

4. Next, go back to the Webmaster Tools tool and click on " Check " for confirmation of the change. The verification may take a few hours, as the Russian search engine needs to crawl your website and identify the meta tag.

💡 And with the plugin Yoast SEO, how it works ? It's just as simple. Go to your WordPress dashboard, then navigate to “SEO” followed by “General.” Then select the “Webmaster Tools” tab. In the “Yandex” section, insert the verification code that you copied earlier. To finish, click “Save Changes”.

# 4 Configure site settings

After verification, you will be asked to confirm your e-mail address. And there you have it, you are ready to explore the different tabs and options available in Yandex Webmaster Tools!


  1. Configure geolocation settings if you are specifically targeting certain regions.
  2. Submit a sitemap to help Yandex better index your site. This is done via the tab “Indexing” where you will add the URL of your sitemap.

Are you looking for the address of your sitemap? Usually you can find it at the standard URL, like C'est là que la plupart des sites web mettent leur sitemap, alors c'est un bon point de départ ! Retrouvez un article entièrement dédié à ce sujet here.

# 5 Analyze the data

Use Russian search engine reports and tools to monitor your site performance. You will be able to analyze traffic, spot indexing errors, identify keywords that are performing well, and much more. For a more detailed analysis, also include the SEO tool Yandex Metrica, the Russian equivalent of Google Analytics. Finally, don't forget that to guarantee optimal indexing, the quality of the content is the ultimate key!

Please note: even if Yandex is in Russia, as soon as you manage data from EU residents, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requires you to secure this data, collect clear consent and be transparent about its use.

💡 My advice :

  • Create a Yandex Webmaster Tools account as soon as possible to work on your site's presence on this search engine.
  • Submit your XML sitemap as a priority to facilitate the indexing of your site by the Russian search engine.
  • Make sure your site is well optimized for mobile devices. Yandex favors mobile-friendly sites in its search results, just like Google!
  • Regularly analyze Yandex Webmaster Tools data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your site accordingly.
  • Do not hesitate to contact search engine support if you have any questions or problems.

Additional resources:

Yandex Webmaster Tools / WordPress tutorial (English):

Yandex Webmaster Forum :

If you are looking to optimize the visibility of your website in the Russian market, Yandex Webmaster Tools could well become your most valuable ally.

Optimiser votre site pour le SEO sur Yandex

Maintenant que votre site est indexé sur Yandex, parlons un peu SEO ! Ce moteur de recherche a ses petites spécificités qui diffèrent de Google, et quelques astuces peuvent vraiment faire la différence pour que votre site brille aux yeux des utilisateurs russes. Pas de panique, c'est plus simple qu'il n'y paraît !

Le pouvoir de la géolocalisation

Yandex adore savoir où vous vous trouvez ! Plus sérieusement, ce moteur privilégie souvent les résultats locaux. Donc, si vous ciblez une région en particulier, pensez à bien configurer la géolocalisation dans Yandex Webmaster Tools. Cela permet de mieux positionner votre site là où vos futurs clients vous cherchent.

Mon conseil : assurez-vous de spécifier la région exacte que vous ciblez. Par exemple, si vous visez Moscou ou Saint-Pétersbourg, dites-le à Yandex.

Adaptez votre contenu au marché russe

Le contenu, c’est le roi. Et sur Yandex, ce roi doit parler la langue du peuple. Si votre site s’adresse aux Russes, il est important d’utiliser un russe clair et naturel. Les traductions automatiques ? À éviter ! Yandex valorise les sites bien rédigés et adaptés à la culture locale.

Mon conseil : faites relire vos textes par un locuteur natif pour être sûr que tout sonne naturel et fluide. Le bonus ? Cela vous aidera à mieux connecter avec votre public !

Pourquoi les liens locaux comptent pour Yandex ?

Sur Yandex, ce ne sont pas seulement les backlinks en général qui comptent, mais surtout ceux provenant de sites locaux et pertinents. Plus vous avez de liens en provenance de sites russes de qualité, plus votre site sera bien vu par Yandex.

Mon conseil : plutôt que de chercher des liens partout dans le monde, concentrez-vous sur des collaborations avec des sites russes ou des partenaires locaux dans votre secteur.

Votre site en version express

On le sait, les utilisateurs n’aiment pas attendre. Et Yandex non plus ! Si votre site met trop de temps à charger, Yandex risque de le reléguer au second plan. Heureusement, il existe un outil bien pratique : Yandex.Turbo. Il permet de créer des versions ultra-légères de vos pages pour un chargement express.

Un œil sur le comportement des utilisateurs

Yandex fait très attention à la façon dont les gens interagissent avec votre site. Est-ce qu’ils restent longtemps sur vos pages ? Est-ce qu’ils cliquent sur d’autres liens ? Tous ces petits signaux, comme le taux de rebond, comptent pour Yandex. Plus les utilisateurs sont engagés, mieux c'est pour votre classement !

Mon conseil : utilisez Yandex.Metrica pour comprendre ce qui plaît à vos visiteurs et ajustez vos contenus en conséquence.

Pas de tricherie

Tout comme Google, il a ses filtres antispam qui pénalisent les pratiques douteuses, comme le bourrage de mots-clés ou les liens artificiels. Gardez tout naturel et authentique, et vous éviterez les mauvaises surprises. Ne cherchez pas à tromper l’algorithme. Restez authentique et privilégiez toujours la qualité sur la quantité.

What you must remember

Yandex is your gateway to conquering the Russian web! It is a complete platform that offers a range of services, ideal for those who want to break into the Russian market. Yandex Webmaster Tools are essential for optimizing your online presence. Technical diagnostics, traffic analyses, security measures... Everything is scrutinized to offer you an impeccable online presence. And to get started on this adventure, nothing could be simpler:

  • Register with Yandex Webmaster Tools.
  • Add your website.
  • Check its ownership.
  • Configure the settings.
  • Analyze data and boost your performance.

Mais ne vous arrêtez pas là ! Pour optimiser votre SEO sur Yandex, adaptez votre contenu à la culture russe, obtenez des backlinks locaux, et boostez la vitesse de votre site. Utilisez Yandex.Metrica pour suivre vos utilisateurs et ajuster votre stratégie.

Ready to boost your presence on the Russian market? Start optimizing your site for borderless success! Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you need a helping hand to start referencing your website.

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