Email marketing campaign: the guide to everything you need to know

A fundamental element of any web marketing strategy, an email marketing campaign is a fantastic lever for engagement and conversion. It allows a direct and personalized relationship with your prospects and customers. Emailing is used extensively by all companies interested in developing their business, promoting their offering and enriching their customer relationships. Discover this complete guide to creating campaigns that perform.


Email marketing campaign: 5 key steps to succeed

Carrying out a successful email campaign is a skill that is gradually acquired through effort, analysis and

practice. Here are 5 steps to creating an email marketing campaign that actually works.


1# Define your emailing strategy

Before embarking on an email campaign, you must clarify your goal. What is your primary purpose? Of course you want to increase your turnover, but you need to be more specific. What product or service do you want to highlight? Unless you want to do an email campaign to generate more traffic to your website or develop your blog's audience. It's up to you to determine which the objectives of your email marketing campaign and how it fits into your overall marketing strategy.

2# Study the target of your email marketing campaign

To succeed in professional emailing, it is imperative to perfectly know the target to which it is aimed. You need to master their needs and expectations particularly well. This way, you will understand the difficulties and problems she faces and will be able to respond better to them. From this analysis, you will deduce several profile typologies according to segmentation criteria (socio-economic characteristics, maturity, etc.), which will require several types of emails.

3# Encourage opening of your marketing email

The first step in writing the email campaign is to encourage its opening by the recipients. You must therefore try not to be taken for spam and to optimize all the elements they see at this stage. Personalize the sender name with your company name. Create a clear and concise object that is salesy without being touted and promising without being outrageous. Take advantage of the pre-header by removing the default statement from email sending software: “If you cannot view this email correctly…”. This way, you can complete your object in a personalized way.

4# Lead to the completion of an action

Once your marketing email is open, you still need convince your recipients to take action. Indeed, following the strategy you have defined, you have a specific intention. This will materialize as a call-to-action in the form of a button with an attractive design. It will link to an optimized landing page detailing your offer or giving all the information for conversion. But before that, you must detail an argument that respects the promise made in the subject of your email. It must focus on your goal without omission or length. Also be sure to highlight it visually as allowed by online free email marketing campaign tools.

5# Optimize your email campaign

Let me tell you, you will probably not be successful with your first e-mailing! Perfection is acquired with experience and especially experimentation. Optimizing an email marketing requires multiple ultra-specific adjustments. Also, use A/B testing to test two versions of your emailing to send to two samples of your email file, then only retain the most efficient one. Additionally, when embarking on an email marketing strategy, define your performance indicators or KPIs (Key performance indicators). Carry out a systematic analysis to seek to improve your successive emailing campaigns.


Email marketing: what is the perfect form?

Writing a marketing email well helps boost opening and conversion rates. The components of your email must be optimized to arouse the interest of your recipients. Zoom in on the different parts of a perfect emailing.

The sender of the email

Identify yourself from the first moment. This contributes to trust and values a serious approach. Depending on the type of your marketing targets, indicate your first or last name as well as your company. Your logo may also appear in the email.

The subject of the email

The subject of your email is surely one of the major elements of your email marketing campaign. In a few simple words, you must assert all profits that your email will bring to the contacts in your email list. It must be totally irresistible to boost the open rate. However, be careful of banned words that send your message directly to spam.

The pre-header of your marketing emails

Free email marketing software offers a default sentence in the pre-header. It explains that the recipient can view an HTML version of your mailing. It is much more relevant to personalize this part, because it is displayed in many messaging systems before the email is even opened. So, use this space to finish convincing your contact to open the email, in addition to your subject line.

The body of the email

Start the body of the text by saying hello and including the recipient's first name. Then introduce yourself to humanize the relationship. Then, in a few lines, your email marketing will deploy a solid argument in 3 steps:

  • You know and understand the recipient's problem;
  • You have the solution (your product or service);
  • You know what main advantages it will bring (in the form of bullet points to be more impactful).

Be as brief and direct as possible without forgetting anything important. Use copywriting methods. If you want to make a newsletter, the body of the message will be different with generally several distinct frames.

The call to action (CTA)

You plan to send the email for a specific purpose. So you want recipients to take a particular action. Indicate it in an explicit, visible and attractive call-to-action. Make a button with a hyperlink and imperative text using the templates offered by free online emailing tools. It will link to a landing page that will also need to be optimized.

The reassurance elements of your email marketing campaign

Reinsurance is a central concept in digital marketing. It aims to give credibility to a proposal by developing trust with factual elements. Consider integrating several of them into your marketing email: customer reviews, company name with SIRET number, link to your T&Cs (General Conditions of Sale), “satisfied or refunded” guarantee, etc.

Signing your email

End your email with a suitable polite phrase, such as “yours” or “see you soon” to encourage quick contact. Also include an ultra-professional signature with complete contact information.

The option to unsubscribe from your emails

In a legal and reassuring way, allow your recipients to unsubscribe from your marketing emails. It is good to remember why they are receiving this email, that is to say the fact that they are registered with this or that database.


Emailing: 10 tips for successful campaigns

Emailing is not a very complex task. But creating impactful and effective email marketing requires a strong dose of optimization. If you really want to boost your email marketing campaigns, quickly adopt these 10 tips.

1# Update the addresses in your email file

An email database goes out of date quickly. To make sure your email hits the mark, make sure to update regularly your recipient list. For a good email file, the ideal is to build it yourself, little by little. Buying or renting are generally poor options.

2# Segment your email base

To truly address personalized messages to your targets, remember to always segment your email file. Mass emailing, without segmentation, risks ending up in the trash, as consumers no longer support these standard mailings.

3# Personalize the sender name

In your emails, avoid generic sender names, such as “contact”, as much as possible. Search proximity in the wording. Depending on your sector of activity, a first and/or last name is preferred. You can also add your company name to inspire confidence.

4# Spark interest with the subject

The naming of the email subject, including when you create a newsletter, is essential to encourage openness. In just a second, your recipient will choose between opening the email or putting it in the trash. Be compelling, attractive and promising, without using forbidden words that will send your email to spam.

5# Offer a simple and rewarding design

To highlight your email marketing, adopt a pleasant design that will stand out to your recipients. Know how to play with the proportions between images and texts as offered by the various free email sending solutions. However, keep it simple. Don't overdo it and risk drowning out the content of your message.

6# Support your argument on benefits

Your BtoB or BtoC emailing must seek to develop an argument that will solve a problem that recipients encounter with the use of your product or service. Your text must therefore emphasize the benefits of your solution.

7# Provide elements of reassurance

In web marketing, reassurance is an essential criterion. It’s about developing trust by reassuring the Internet user. In an email marketing campaign, it is interesting to integrate a SIRET number of your company, customer testimonials or even a link to a press article mentioning your company.

8# Highlight your call-to-action

Your emailing has an essential purpose. It is crucial that it encourages recipients to carry out a specific action. A designed, unmissable and clear call to action button must be integrated into your email.

9# Also design an excellent landing page for your emailing

Your email campaign is not limited to your email, it also includes a landing page. Don't repeat a page

lambda of your website. Create a dedicated and optimized page specifically for your email marketing that will provide additional information and offer a conversion call-to-action.

10# Test your email before final sending

To avoid leaving typos, to be sure of display in all messaging and to have a good responsive design,

do preliminary tests. It may also be relevant to test several emails with A/B testing.

Emailing solution: 7 irresistible advantages of using it

The performance of your email marketing campaign depends on a set of parameters, including, in particular, the emailing solution you use. Focus on 7 advantages of emailing software.


1# Manage all your campaigns with a single emailing solution

An emailing service brings together all the functionalities for your sending from A to Z. Your recipient database, your newsletter or marketing email models, your performance analysis tools, etc. are grouped and connected. With a traditional email box, you have to juggle a spreadsheet contact file to annotate manually.

2# Benefit from aesthetic, customizable and optimized models

An emailing solution provides you with a certain number of optimized, stylish and attractive email templates. You then need to personalize them. Your recipients will then receive an email with their first name. This small detail improves the performance of your email marketing campaigns. You can also use your previous emails to create new ones.

3# Save time with an emailing service

A newsletter or email tool represents a huge time saver. It offers you templates to adapt with your information in just a few moments. Your email will then be sent to several hundred, or even a few thousand, recipients in one click. If you use your traditional email, you will have to send a large number of shipments, spread over several days, to avoid being blocked by your supplier.

4# Adapt your newsletter and email marketing sendings to your targets

An online emailing solution offers you a set of features allowing you to truly personalize your mailings. It is possible for you to segment your contact base to create different emails according to several types of targets. You can also define the time and day of sending in order to create campaigns as close as possible to the availability of your targets.

5# Improve the deliverability of your marketing emails

Using an emailing solution allows you to boost the deliverability rate of your shipments. This type of online tool will, moreover, inform you of this rate which you can seek to improve over the course of your successive emailing campaigns. With your personal email, your deliverability will be much lower than these professional emailing software.

6# Send marketing emails responsive design

Today, many consumers check their emails on smartphones or tablets. Also, it is essential that the sending of free newsletters and email marketing be responsive design. Otherwise, the message will not be displayed correctly or will even be unreadable. A personal mailbox does not ensure that you meet the criteria. On the other hand, online email marketing tools automatically take care of adapting your images and optimizing the display of the email.

7# Benefit from indicators to improve your emailing campaigns

An emailing tool will provide you with several very useful statistical indicators. This way, you will be able to progress throughout your email marketing campaigns and convert more people. The online tool will tell you the rate of opening, clicks, conversion, unsubscription, etc. Ultimately, your profitability will improve and your KING will improve.

Emailing tool: which free software to choose?

Having a powerful email marketing campaign tool is ideal for boosting your marketing strategy. And if it’s free, that’s perfect! To make your choice, discover the 3 main emailing software on the market proposing a free offer : Mailchimp, Brevo and Mailjet.


Mailchimp, the world leader in emailing software

Launched in 2001 by Ben Chestnut and Mark Armstrong, Mailchimp is the most famous free email editor in the world. Calling on him for any newsletter or email marketing creation is a real guarantee of having access to a global reference. The free version allows you to send 2500 emails per month for an emailing list of 500 contacts.


Mailchimp has managed to monopolize the market with its free offer accompanied by a ultra intuitive interface and a fabulous template editor. The platform offers a marketing automation solution which, compared to some alternatives on the market, can be considered quite basic.


The newsletter and emailing software models are presented in large numbers, easily customizable and designed for all kinds of use. Getting started with the emailing tool is quick thanks to particularly intuitive ergonomics. Regarding transactional emails, Mailchimp works with Mandrill.

Brevo, an integrated emailing platform

The online tool Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is a real French Swiss Army knife of emailing. Founded in 2012 by Armand Thiberge and Kapil Sharma, the company has experienced exponential growth in recent years to the point of becoming a sure value. The free version allows you to send 9000 emails per month for an unlimited number of contacts.


The emailing tool offers various features related to email and SMS marketing. Developing marketing automation scenarios is easy with the emailing platform. It is also possible to manage transactional emails and SMS and connect with key CMS existing. The A/B testing functionality is accessible or activated only for users who have subscribed to the offers “Business” And “BrevoPlus”. In the same way telephone support.

The email sending software is very complete and easy to use. Reporting tools are very useful. The ergonomics of the interface are well thought out to be accessible to as many people as possible.

Mailjet, the Made in France emailing tool

Like Brevo, Mailjet is French emailing software. The company was founded in 2010 by Wilfried Durand and Julien Tartar. It initially became known for the management of transactional emails for which it offers an excellent solution. The emailing tool now offers a set of online email marketing services. The free version allows you to send 6000 emails per month with an unlimited list of recipients.


The qualities of the hexagonal in-line tool are not lacking. Its intuitive interface is easy to use. The editor's templates adapt perfectly to many types of use, even if there are not many. There A/B testing solution (Premium option) is perfectly suited.


On the other hand, its marketing automation solution is only available as a premium option.

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